Here are some pics of our day trip to Watertown to visit Grandma and Grandpa Gallipo and the zoo.
This next pic is from about midnight last night. Aubrey has not been sleeping well at all and we were trying to get her to bed still. We thought the sunglasses bit was funny. She did not.
A couple pics of Aubrey in a her cool new sweater.
Lisa is doing well. She actually surprised me with how well she was feeling after her surgery. It was supposed to last about 2 hours and took 5. They had some problems finding everything they needed to find so we are not sure if the surgery was a "success" or not. After some testing we will know more. Aubrey and I are on the way to hospital and should be able to take Lisa home soon. These pictures are from yesterday evening in her room.
Lisa will be having surgery Monday morning to have some work done on her parathyroids. This is the second time she has had to have this surgery and we are hoping this will be the last. We are going in at 6am to Sanford's Surgical Center. I will update when I can.