Saturday, June 27, 2009


It's been kind of a crazy week. This Monday through no fault of her own Lisa lost her job. The store she managed was up in sales, she had bonused the last two quarters, and she just got a call from her boss's boss congratulating her on how she was running her store. The labor laws in South Dakota don't require employers to give any reason to terminate someone. Apparently Payless needed to cut a position and Lisa was the unlucky one. Lisa had worked at Payless for 11 years and they did not give her any notice or a severance package. They just told her she was done. You have to love the way corporate America operates.

We are trying to see this as a good thing. Lisa was looking for a new job anyway and this will just make that easier. She is looking for a Monday-Friday job so we can spend more time together as a family.

She is handling this whole situation very well and once we got over the shock and figured out our money situation we have actually had a pretty fun week.

Here are some pictures we took on our hike today.


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